05/25/2013 00:10

During my over 20 years in the Hollywood Studios I met many women, models and actors who may have thought they were a Princess, but were not.

Yes, they had a certain attitude & seemed to order others around like they believed they wer royalty, yet I always knew

 a real Princess would never behave in such an uncaring, impolite manner. Especially not a Beach Princess!

With this being said, welcome all of you who know the Beach Princess inside your soul and realize you selected  Beach Princess Hair Extensions

because of your inner Princess! Your next step on your Princess journey is treating yourself the way you constantly treat others!

Investing in your outside beauty so it better matches your inside beauty that all Beach Princess's have!

Many advances have been made in the Hair Extension industry! No more painful, tight braids! Now there are many choices

in Hair Extensions, from single strands to Wefts held in place with your own hair, no sewing or thread!

The key to a sucessful Hair Extension experience is the Stylist. Hair Extensions must be Designed, not just applied. Design in creating 

a Hair Extension look is an art. Having an artistic background like mine is vital. Balancing the individual strands so 

they do not put too much weight on the natural hair is a large part of success. Another important detail that many overlook is 

facial features and stucture, as well as lifestyle.

As an artist with an extensive background in the demands of celebrities and studios, I consider all of the detalis that provide a beautiful, healthy and

happy result to my clients. I am sure to speak with them about their lifestyles and expectations for selecting the best Hair Extension

technique. As well as the best style of design to flatter their features. I love what I do and have never worked in a "real job".

I started as a Fashion Model & was in love with the art of the beauty industry ever since. 

So, what is a Beach Princess?  She is a woman who took the first step towards the hair of her dreams by clicking on my site, she is a woman

who shares her beauty with the world as a daughter, mother, wife, sister and friend. She is a woman who shines like sunlight

glistening on the ocean whether on the beach, at work or at home. She is a woman who realizes her inner beauty shines thru but 

dreams of expressing this beauty to the world outwardly like the sun rays on the ocean. She is a woman who loves the feel of

the cool ocean breeze thru her hair. She is a woman who feels sexy when she feels her hair brush against her body. She is a 

woman who may not have been blessed with thick or strong hair, but knows a Beach Princess always gets what she wants!

Finally, a Beach Princess is a woman who knows her mane, her locks, her tresses speak to the world. This woman

knows that enhancing her beauty with Hair Extensions is something she deserves.

Its time to stop dreaming and become the shining Beach Princess you have always been & add just a bit

more beauty to the world and yourself!